Happy New Year! Wondering about the whole electrify everything map, including the big old boys. Like, What is Quanta Services (PWR) doing? GE/Honeywell/Westinghouse etc.... Who runs/repairs the grid? Why are charging stations so hard to install? What are these startups doing that the established can't or won't or are reluctant to do? Where's the friction? What do your people say? How does the new DOE grid tie project approval method to approve ready projects first help? SO many questions lol.

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Great overview, Chris. I'd recommend highlighting Dodona Mobility, renowned for deploying EV charging assets and serving esteemed clients like EON and Connected Kerb. Their software acts as an AI co-pilot, enabling companies to navigate the complexities of the $2.5 trillion public electric charging infrastructure. This includes providing essential guidance on zoning laws, grid access, traffic regulations, and charger utilization rates, critical for the effective development and management of EV charging networks.

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